“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” Matthew 25:35

Visiting one of the Ukrainian State-Funded Refugee Camps

Last week we visited one of the Ukrainian state-funded refugee camps that is operating in the region of Transcarpathia, Ukraine, in the town of Tiszakeresztúr. People fleeing from the other side of Ukraine are being cared for in the building of a former state-school. The building used to be a special education school for children with disabilities. After handing over the aid, we had some time to talk with a Ukrainian couple who fled the siege of Bahmut. It was devastating what we saw in their eyes! You rarely see as much fear in someone as we saw in this couple!

We gave long-lasting food and clothes to the administrators of the camp. Later we continued our trip to the church in Berehove, to pastor Sankó Horváth, where we also took donations due to the courtesy of Fida International and HOPE e.V. We enjoyed seeing how the churches in the Berehove district continue to experience spiritual growth and invest a lot of energy in mission work.


Visiting the mission work at the Church of the Living God in Mukachevo

On this trip we have been accompanied by a Ruthenian lady, who translated for us to Ukrainian in different places, especially at the Church of the Living God in Mukachevo. Since the outbreak of the war this congregation has been helping people fleeing from the interior of Ukraine. At the beginning of the war, they accepted everyone as a refugee and gave them accommodations in a similar way as the mission base did in Tiszabecs, Hungary. Currently they provide 70-100 refugees with one hot meal a day, hold a weekly clothing fair and provide various hygiene products for people in need.

They are holding daily worship services in the main hall of the church building, meetings attended by many. The rest of the rooms of the building are open to refugees, storage and catering. Our organization cooperates with the church of Mukachevo is aiding their work with the refugees every month. On this trip we took nearly 1 ton of goods to their aid. Soon we will head out again with the next load of items, a trip that we will soon report of.

Many sad stories

We would like to share with you one of the countless exciting and at the same time sad stories.

The local children together with the refugee children are making blue and yellow little angels for the soldiers fighting in the front line. The pastor has received feedback from them that the little angels made with the colours of the national flag means a lot to the soldiers, encourages their soul. The rest of encouragement to them is expressed in silence and in the many prayers so that the war would end as soon as possible.

We would like to thank all the civilians and churches in Hungary as well for all the non-perishable food and hygiene products, which we continue to deliver to the churches serving the refugees.

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” – Rome 12.11

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