“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” Matthew 25:35

Hungarian Pentecostal charity mission

Charity has an eternal power, therefore let us use it in our midst and have an everlasting impact upon those around us by the power of love in action.


Actual news

Cooperation agreement between the Hungarian Pentecostal Charity and the Saint Martin Hospital Mukachevo

Cooperation agreement between the Hungarian Pentecostal Charity and the Saint Martin Hospital Mukachevo This week we have signed a collaboration agreement with the director of the Central Hospital of Muchachevo, St. Martin's Hospital. Meanwhile on our mission trip we...

Visiting one of the Ukrainian State-Funded Refugee Camps

Visiting one of the Ukrainian State-Funded Refugee Camps Last week we visited one of the Ukrainian state-funded refugee camps that is operating in the region of Transcarpathia, Ukraine, in the town of Tiszakeresztúr. People fleeing from the other side of Ukraine are...

Aiding the needy in Ukraine – one year into the war

Aiding the needy in Ukraine - one year into the war In the last days of February 2023, once again we had the opportunity to take a larger amount of aid to Munkács. On the way we have visited the refugee community in Tiszabecs – Hungary, Berehove - Ukraine before...

Hungarian Pentecostal Charity – Ukrainian Mission

Ukrainian Mission - helping the needy   What a privilege it is to be part of what God is doing! We want to give praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for all the things He has done through our mission in helping the needy and the ones fleeing from war in Ukraine....

Closer to God and closer to one another

Take a look at the photos from the Transylvania mission-tour we had together with the Székesfehérvár Pentecostal Church. The tour was called Closer to God and closer to one another. The mission trip was founded by the BETHLEN GÁBOR ALAP ZRT, that has provided all the...

Praise and prayer report – June 2022

Hungarian Pentecostal Charity Mission - our ministry in Ukraine in May-June 2022 Please turn on the English subtitles. We are especially grateful for being able to help the needy. Thank you for your support!

Charity – a love of action

Please check out our small movie made in Tiszabecs after the Ukrainian war has started. Please turn on the English subtitles.

We feel an overwhelming gratitude for the collaboration that has taken place for the sake of helping those from Ukraine. This collaboration has gone beyond local communities, friends, and acquaintances, it is a civic collaboration that extends beyond the church. Thank you. There has been a lot of financial support that has been put to a great use by helping the needy. Our staff and volunteers are on the ground and in the background keep helping the needy.

Current news about Tiszabecs – border town with Ukraine

Collaborations with other organizations in providing the maximum assistance to asylum seekers

How do we use the financial donations?

Our ministries

Ukrainian mission


We feel an overwhelming gratitude for the collaboration that has taken place for the sake of helping those from Ukraine. This collaboration has gone beyond local communities, friends, and acquaintances, it is a civic collaboration that extends beyond the church. Thank you.

Our staff is active in helping those that had to flee their homes and now are waiting in Ukraine near the Hungarian border. Seeing the number of the in-land refugees in Ukraine our hearts are being poured out to them. Our organization goes to Ukraine on average twice a week to deliver non-perishing food and clothing to the needy. We had helped for several weeks at our temporary refugee shelters in Tiszabecs those that had fled the country. Right now, our shelters are being renovated to be able to provide more fitting accommodations to the needy.

Our warehouses are constantly being filled and emptied over and over again as the need is great, but the Lord has been supplying it greatly as well.  More…

Mission Abroad

In Transylvania, Romania and in Ukraine we try to put into practice the guidelines set out for us by our Lord in Matthew 25: 42-43: we bring food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, clothes for the naked, and we visit the prisoners. Read more…

Fund-rasing garage-sales

It is a special blessing to be able to organize charity motivated garage-sales. People can bring in donations of goods that are being received and given out to others for a small donation-fee. These events are used not only to collect second-hand goods for the needy, but also to support sustainability, solidarity and mission-funding with the money it is being collected this way.

The charity’s staff regularly organizes these kind of garage-sales at fairs in several different locations. Read more…

Noel House - Family Nursery

The Noel House Family Nursery is happily waiting for its little visitors in a quiet, residential environment in Gederlak. It facilitates a cheerful, colorful room with lots and lots of games, a playground, qualified caregivers and a child-friendly family-like atmosphere. We have a big advantage by having small groups where every child gets enough time and attention to help their healthy development. Read more…

Mission locations

We have more than one mission location in the country, like Tiszana, where we work together with several non-governmental and church organizations and business people in order to provide for the needs of the local communities. In these locations we are also involved in church planting, children’s ministry, women’s ministry and we do everything God enables us in order to help the disadvantaged families in getting the appropriate support. Read more…

Social assistance

They are those hard-working people who can’t make mean’s end; therefore, we prepare personal packages fitting their needs, carefully put them together to make everyday life easier for them.

If you would like to give donations to our charity, please feel free to contact us any time at our office or at any of the communication methods provided at the Contact page. Read more…

Help those from Ukraine

We have developed an intensive relationship with a network of 18 congregations in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. 

Together with the Eastern European Mission, we support a several pastors and missionary couples.  

We bought and renovated a property in Tiszabecs, approx. 500 m away from the border, which recently has been functioning for several weeks as a temporary accommodation center for the needy fleeing Ukraine. It has been also serving as a storage facility for temporary storing all the donations that are being taken into Ukraine.

More than


have been helped at our temporary accommodations in Tiszabecs


We have been especially grateful for more than


volunteers since the beginning of the war in Ukraine


We have taken more than

64 tons

of donations to Transcarpathia and Ukraine since the beginning of the war

We have been grateful for the more than

89 million

forint worth of goods we have donated to Ukraine since the beginning of the war

Temporary reception centers in Tiszabecs

And Transcarpathian charity work

Through our ministry

More than


people have been helped

More than

100 million

forint worth of donations have been given


contries have been impacted

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